ŚALABHĀSANA (Locust Posture)
A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.
B) Procedure:
1. Lie prone, keeping the legs close to each other with soles facing upwards, hands side- wards with palms on the ground and chin touching the ground.
2. Form fists of both the hands with the thumbs inside and place them slowly under lowermost abdominal region.
3. Without bending the knees, raise both legs upward as high as possible.
4. Maintain this position for one minute.
5. Return to the original position slowly.
C) Portions Involved: Abdomen, waist and legs.
D) Effect:
1. Muscles of the Abdominal region and waist are stretched.
2. The Pelvic Organs are stimulated.
3. Kidneys and Urinary Bladder are toned up.
4. Lumber Plexus of Nerves is stimulated.
5. The Lung-ventilation capacity is improved.
E) Benefits:
1. Digestion and Excretion are improved.
2. Abdominal fat and Body weight are reduced.
3. Constipation and Intestinal gases are relieved.
4. Urinary disorders are relieved.
5. Menstrual disorders in Women are corrected.
6. Beneficial in Lumbago and Sciatica.