(Lotus Posture)
A) Breathing: Inhaling and Exhaling.
B) Procedure:
1. Sit straight with both legs placed straight forward.
2. Bend right leg in the knee-joint.
3. Place the right foot at the left groin with the right sole turned upwards & the heel in front of the pelvic bone.
4. Place the left foot at the right groin in the same fashion.
5. Straighten up with both hands placed on thighs.
6. Close the eyes and Meditate.
7. Maintain this position for one minute.
8. Return to the original position.
C) Portions Involved: Both Legs, Knee Joints and Thighs.
D) Effects:
1. The joints of the pelvis, knee and ankle become elastic.
2. The Sacral Nerve Plexus is stimulated.
3. The Spine gets erect.
E) Benefits:
1. Comfortable position for Meditation.
2. Hip, Knee and Ankle Joints become supple.
3. Fat around the thighs is reduced.
4. Mental Stress is relieved and thus quietening of Mind is achieved.
5. Spinal deformities are corrected.