SARVĀNGĀSANA (Stand-on-Shoulder Posture)

Precaution: Persons with Cervical Spondylosis and other Disorders of the Cervical Spine should not do Sarvängāsana.

A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.

B) Procedure: 

1. Lie on back with hands placed sideways with palms facing upward and feet close to each other.

2. Slowly raise both legs upward by supporting the buttocks with hands to 45° and finally to 90º angle to the ground.

3. Raise the buttocks and trunk with the help of support of arms and elbows.

4. Slowly raise the whole body over the shoulders till the chin is well set-up in the notch in the central, upper most chest-region (Supra-sternal notch).

5. Maintain this position for two minutes.

6. Slowly return to the original position.

C) Parts Included: Head, Neck, Abdomen, Waist, Thighs and Legs.

D) Effects: 

1. Maximum Physiological Improvement is sought.

2. Circulation of the Brain is improved.

3. Vital capacity and Breath holding time of the Lungs is improved.

4. Function of Thyroid gland is improved, because of pressure on it.

5. Muscles of the Vocal Cords, and Throat are toned up.

6. Blood from the lower portions of the Body is well drained to the Heart, therefore Circulation is bettered.

E) Benefits:

1. Memory, Intellectual power and Mental concentration are improved.

2. Beneficial in Piles, Hernia, Varicose Veins, and Menstrual disorders in Women.

3. Cordiorespiratory functions are remarkably improved.

4. High Blood Pressure is lowered.

5. Seminal Disorders are corrected.

6. Functions of the Digestive Organs and Liver are improved.

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