A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.
B) Procedure:
1. Stand straight with feet near to each other.
2. Take both feet about half a meter apart, with both hands raised sidewards in a horizontal position with Inhalation.
3. With gradual Exhalation, bend forward with knees straight, till the left hand touches the right heel.
4. Maintain this position for one minute.
5. Return to the original position slowly.
6. Repeat the same procedure with the right hand.
C) Portions Involved: Back and Waist.
D) Effects:
1. Back muscles are stretched and relaxed.
2. Spine gets an oblique bend.
E) Benefits:
1. Back muscles are toned up.
2. Best spinal exercise.
3. Spinal deformities are corrected.
4. Fat on the lateral aspect of the trunk (Spare- tyre) is reduced.