HALĀSANA (Plough Posture)

Precaution: Persons with Cervical Spondylosis and other Disorders of Cervical Spine, Spinal Disorders, Appendicitis or any other Severe Abdominal Diseases should not do Halāsana.

A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.

B) Procedure: 1. Lie on back, with hands placed sideways with palms facing upward and feet near to each other.

2. gradually raise the legs & the whole body upwards with support of the shoulders and hands.

3. Stretch the legs backward towards the head, until they touch the ground.

4. Maintain this position for two minutes.

5. Slowly return to the original position.

C) Parts Included: Neck, Chest, Abdomen, Back and Waist.

D) Effects: 1. The Thyroid gland and Cervical Spine are activated.

2. Spinal and Muscular circulation of the Back is improved.

3. Abdominal Viscera is stimulated.

4. Parasympathetic Nervous System is activated.

5. Liver, Spleen and Pancreas are stimulated.

E) Benefits: 1. Spine becomes flexible.

2. Height is increased.

3. Reduction of Abdominal girth occurs. 

4. Mental stress is relieved.

5. High Blood Pressure is lowered.

6. Functions of the Thyroid, Spleen, Liver and Pancreas are improved.

7. Could be beneficial in Diabetes.

8 Intestinal gases and Constipation are relieved.

9. Digestion is improved.

10. Loss of Body weight occurs.

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