(Back-Stretch Posture)
A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.
B) Procedure:
1. Sit straight with both legs stretched forward and feet near to each other.
2. With gradual Inhalation, raise both hands on sides to the horizontal position & finally to the vertical position.
3. Bend forward with gradual Exhalation, till the face rests on the straightened knees.
4. Catch hold of both the feet with hands & bend the hands at the elbows.
5. Maintain this position for one minute.
6. Return to the original position.
C) Parts Included: Legs, Thighs, Waist, Abdomen and Back.
D) Effects:
1. The muscles of the Thighs & Back are well stretched.
2. A strong pull on the tendons, ligaments & muscles of the knee joints is exerted.
3. The Spine becomes elastic.
4. Pancreatic region is pressed & Pancreas is being stimulated.
5. Digestion and Excretion are improved.
6. Sexual function is improved.
E) Benefits:
1. Lumbago and Sciatica are relieved.
2. Increase in Height results.
3. Abdominal fat is reduced.
4. Backache and Menstrual troubles in women are relieved.
5. Seminal defects are averted and sexual happiness increases.
6: Beneficial in Diabetes.