Maha Mudra (Royal Gesture)

Maha Mudra

(Royal Gesture)

A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.

B) Procedures:

1. Sit straight with both legs stretched forward. 

2. Bend the right leg at the knee so that the right heel presses just near the Anus. Thus Mula Bandha (Anus-Lock) is sought.

3. Inhale fully.

4. With gradual Exhalation, bend towards front & catch hold of the Great toe of the stretched left leg with both hands. 

5. Rest the head on the left knee & press the chin on the chest.

6. Maintain this position for one minute. 

7. Return to the original position. 

8. Repeat the same procedure with the left leg.

C) Parts Included: Abdomen, Anal region, Knee joints and legs.

D) Effects: 

1. The abdominal muscles are stretched & relaxed.

2. The abdominal organs are stimulated. 

3. The sacral plexus & Anal region become stimulated.

E) Benefits:

1. Abdominal muscles & abdominal organs are toned up.

2. Abdominal fat is reduced.

3. Seminal defects are corrected.

4. Useful in Diabetes and Piles.

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