ŠIRŞĀSANA (Stand-on-Head Posture)
Širşasāna is known as the 'KING OF YOGASANA'
Precaution: Sirşāsana is not to be practised in any Diseases of the Ears, Nose, Throat, Neck and Back and by the patients of High Blood Pressure and Heart Diseases.
Note: In the beginning, Sirşāsana should be done near a wall for support. After practice, it can be done independently.
A) Breathing:
B) Procedure:
1. Place a thick carpet or blanket of about 60 cms x 60 cms, size, on the ground and keep both knees over it.
2. Interlock the fingers of the hands and make an Equivalent Triaingle with the forearms on the carpet/blanket.
3. Place the centre of the head within the triangle and support it by interlocked fingers.
4. Keep toes on the ground and raise the knees.
5. Slowly lift the toes of the ground till the trunk is perpendicular to the ground.
6. Slowly go on straightening the legs, so that finally the whole body is exactly perpendicular to the ground.
7. Maintain this position for three-five minutes.
8. Slowly return to the original position and relax.
C) Parts Included: Whole Body in the Inverted condition.
D) Effects: 1. Blood from the lower portions of the Body is well drained to the Heart and circulation is improved.
2. Circulation of the Brain is much improved.
3. Prominent Physical, Endocrine and Metabolic beneficiary changes occur.
4. Blood Pressure is lowered.
5. Circulation and Nutrition of the Scalp and Eyes are improved.
1. The whole Nervous System is benefited.
2. Intellectual Power, Memory and Mental concent- ration increases.
3. Herniation tendency is relieved.
4. Seminal Disorders are corrected and Vigour is increased.
5. Hairs are well nourished.
6. Eyes sight is improved.