Ardhakati Chakrasana

A) Breathing: Inhalation and Exhalation.
B) Procedure:
1. Stand straight with feet near to each other.
2. With slow Inhalation, take the right arm sideways upwards above the head till it touches the ear, with the palm facing towards left side.
3. With slow Exhalation, bend the portion of the body above the waist, slowly towards left side as far as possible.
4. Maintain this position for one minute.
5. Slowly return to the original position.
6. Repeat the steps with the left arm.
C) Portions Involved: Lateral aspect of the Trunk.
D) Effects:
1. Muscles of the lateral wall of the chest, abdomen and waist are stretched and relaxed.
2. The spine gets lateral bend.
3. Liver is stimulated.
E) Benefits:
1. Muscles of the lateral wall of chest, abdomen and waist are toned up.
2. Respiratory capacity increases.
3. Fat reduction on the lateral aspect of the chest, abdomen and waist is sought.
4. The spine gets elastic and Tonic.
5. Liver functions are improved.

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